The cure for your media-stained eyes

Author Brixton Hughes

Divoc 91 – AntiVI

#StopTheWorld #ReleaseTheSun. A few astute readers may already know that I am the most recent addition to the Force Multipliers. My role is to maintain and update the narrative thread that began just before the 21st century and remains intact… Continue Reading →

The Truth About Brixton Hughes

This article began as a formal statement of my intent to enter the 2021 municipal election in Minneapolis and run for City Council in Ward 12. It was a biographical sketch of the person that, almost 20 years ago, took… Continue Reading →

Taking Political Office

What does it mean to run for an elected office in a system broken and jammed by corruption and carelessness? Especially vexing is the definition of a “serious candidate”. Serious about what? Winning an election to take an office, or… Continue Reading →

Minneapolis Health Wellness and Healing Council

The Minneapolis People for Liberation and Solidarity (MPLS) Initiative stands for community-control of healthcare, including mental health services and preventative care. Because the land where our city stands has an on-going history of personal and cultural trauma that too often… Continue Reading →

MPLS – Minneapolis People for Liberation and Solidarity

While I continue to bide time and build suspense about a potential run from Minneapolis City Council in Ward 12, I’ve been thinking about how to regrow Minneapolis. Not just in terms of what is feasible for a first-term, independent,… Continue Reading →

Minneapolis Soil and Farm Council

The Minneapolis People for Liberation and Solidarity (MPLS) Initiative stands for community control of the local food supply by partnering with nearby organic farms and/or farmer collectives as managed by a Soil and Farm Council (SFC). The SFC will prioritize… Continue Reading →

Minneapolis Residents Land Board

The Minneapolis People for Liberation and Solidarity (MPLS) Initiative stands for returning the power to run Minneapolis to control by the people and communities in which they live. First and foremost, civilian control of police, but also community control of… Continue Reading →

Dispersed Political Power

Promoting the effective and fair functions of a modern city requires political and economic power. In a democratic or consensus driven system politicians, activists, and organizers collect that power from the people by reasoned discussion and debate. In totalitarian and… Continue Reading →

The Future of Police in Minneapolis

Over the last 6 years, I have learned a lot from the people in the movement. Particularly those featured in the hundreds of videos I have made and released. I very much appreciate their grace, kindness, raw passion, and thoughtful… Continue Reading →

Platform Plank Zero

This is platform plank zero because it underpins and suffuses everything else that will be proposed and discussed. Plank Zero is the context. It was summarized in Minneapolis People for Liberation and Solidarity (MPLS): Reimagine Minneapolis as Ground Zero –… Continue Reading →

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