I was wrong. When the results of the 2016 Presidential election were tabulated my conclusion was that efforts to jam the election had been in vain. Sure, there were similarities to the manifestation of the Gore/Bush in 2000, but none of that seemed to impede the pathway of Trump to the White House. I was wrong. I was caught up in the past. I assumed that Electile Dysfunction would always look like the deadlocked outcome of the 2000 election. It does not.
As the situation has unfolded since November 9, 2016 the gap between the popular vote result and the Electoral College result has expanded. The Donald is the President Elect with the smallest proportion of the popular vote in the history of the US. The differential between votes cast and the outcome foisted on us by the EC has begun to jam the election. True to his nature as a Trickster, Trump has exacerbated the divisions, spread more confusion, and promoted more chaos. His obsession with speaking half truths out of both sides of his mouth with a forked tongue trained by the illusion of Reality TV has invalidated every word he spews. The result is the spread of confusion from a single contentious race in 2000 to the much larger scale that subverts the entire system of national rule in 2016. The Bush/Gore Syzygy could be put down by a single supreme court decision. The Trickster manifest in Trump cannot be contained by any court, no matter how supreme. We’re in this for the long haul. Buckle up, it is gonna be a bumpy ride.
The manifestation of confusion in 2016 has already begun to tear away more of the veils that maintain the illusion that the US is functional democracy. The veracity of the media, mainstream and otherwise, has been torn apart. The assumption that our national elections reflect the will of the electorate was shattered in 2000 and ground into dust in 2016. The value of evidence, facts, and thoughtful analyses have been shredded. The idea that our President, their cabinet, and administration work for the good of the nation and not solely for self-aggrandizement and personal financial gain has become a dream. Knowledge, experience, and expertise are grounds for suspicion and distrust. Rage and hatred are ascendant and cheered on by the Trickster Trump. But, Lama Levy is still correct when he reminds us to stay focused and remain true to our intent.
I’m certainly not saying that everything is OK. I’m reminding us that Chaos is our friend because it loosens the probabilities that maintain the reality we perceive. This enhances our chances to refigure reality and manifest something more like what we feel in our hearts. Stay strong, my friends.