To be completely honest, my work for the 2017 Election was not really about particular candidates. It was about ideas, discussions, and raising awareness about the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. It was part of the ongoing efforts to help sculpt our culture as a more just, equitable, and open society grown upward from the people, rather than imposed by authorities and the systems that use to divide and control. Thing is, ideas, discussions, and awareness are the means to the end of accomplishing anything like such a society. Public officials and others entrusted with authority in our city must be held accountable for following through on their promises, policies, and plans – or not. The 2017 election swept a host of progressive DFLers into the municipal government of Minneapolis that spoke about affordable housing, racial equity, addressing the problems with the Minneapolis Police Department, and alleviating economic disparities. How much of that was campaign rhetoric and how serious our new city leaders are about taking the struggle into City Hall remains to be seen. It is crystal clear however, that the inertia of the status quo and the continued push-back from the centrists and conservatives will work to moderate the influence of these new voices. It is up to the people and the grass roots to keep them on track and hold them accountable.
New Hughes – Old Shoes stands ready to do our part. Building from the success of the Minneapolis Election 2017 Project, we announce the Accountability 86 Project. Our intention is to use our video skills, this site, and social media to help push the agendas of local groups dedicated to keeping particular issues on the radar, confronting government officials, and taking action to inform the public. “Accountability” because that is the goal and “86” because the unaccountable will be 86’d. If you are part of an organization that works to hold people and institutions accountable, think of New Hughes as a kind of megaphone or amplifier. Contact us at and we will work with you to capture video content that reflects your work, create videos, and share them through this site, social media, and your networks.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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